Jacob is the driving force behind the branding and creative marketing agency,
Oniracom (founded in 2001), has spent more than two decades pioneering a culture
of positive disruption. His journey is not merely a career but a tapestry of
authentic relationships, a commitment to team building, and a steadfast dedication
to shaping culture.
With an educational background in film and politics, Jacob seeks world-changing
solutions for positive and creative people. He carries with him a deep appreciation
for nature and a hopeful vision for the future of human ecology. Jacob actively
supports forward-thinking environmental and political leaders and aims to further
meld the realms of artistry and science.
Jacob is more than a producer; he’s a relentless creator of communities,
championing values over profits, and ensuring that the moment’s purpose is never
lost. Jacob Tell is a dynamic force connecting creativity and culture.
Website: JacobTell.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jacobtell/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jacobtell
Twitter: twitter.com/jacobtell
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@JacobTell